Property Owners' Association
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Marinas, Launch Sites & Zoning

Data Collection – Invasive Species on Visiting Boats DNR Accesses

2024 Data Collection Project – South State Park Lagoon

During the 2023 summer season, HLPOA and the Higgins Lake Foundation (HLF) conducted a joint data gathering project at the three DNR boat accesses. The primary purpose of the project was to explore options to reduce the risk of new aquatic invasive species (AIS) entering the lake.  Also, we want to minimize the risk of further spreading of the two AIS plants already in the lake; Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) and Starry stonewort (SSW).

2023 Data Collection Project – DNR Accesses on Higgins Lake

HLPOA Initiates Series of Meetings With DNR Parks & Recreation Division:

The HLPOA, in conjunction with the Higgins Lake Foundation (HLF), Higgins Lake Land Conservancy (HLLC), Higgins Lake Environmental & Economic Coalition (HLEEC) and the Michigan Waterfront Alliance (MWA) began an ongoing collaboration with the MI DNR Parks and Recreation Division to preserve, protect and enhance Higgins Lake and its surrounding watershed.  The following presentations were prepared by the Riparian Committee of the HLPOA for a series of meetings, commencing in August, 2017, with key DNR Parks & Rec Div. personnel, including Chief Ron Olson, Supervisor Anna Sylvester, North and South Higgins Lake State Park Managers and others.  Subject matter includes Aquatic Invasive Species Control, Water Quality, Boat Washing Facilities, Pilot Programs, Boat Noise and Speed, etc.

As future meetings take place, the discussion and/or presentation materials will be added to those listed below: